Although it is wise to open up our perception by thinking “why?” (*) and seeing a lot of possible causes and dynamics, remember that you don’t really know, and never will. It is in the “how” we’re creating results. Even if you would know the whole problem, it doesn’t guarantee it’ll give you all the information about its solution. Thus, overwriting old irrational behavior with totally new imposed rules in a given context is a waste of time and energy! Too many factors work against it… So, don’t just tell anybody what to do; they won’t! Let people find by themselves how they can comply and what really works with additive information from their past. Thus:
You may investigate if the desired situation/actions already happened once:
1. as an exception in time [in the same context] or, if not
-which, frankly, is very unlikely-
2. perhaps in a partly similar situation such as in another department or
3. part of the desired actions or likewise actions in the same context
If the behavior or situation already originated once in a natural way, we then just need to find it’s promotors. That’s the way to go efficiently for healthy solutions! You promote what healthy or desired behavior already happened once in said context. It means it is already part of the experiences of the brain and thus can easily be (re)activated by reinforcement.
You are thus looking into working behavior & habits and puzzle together actions for the needed culture and requirements for a said context.
Then you’re ready to go to your last finger.
(*) Thinking “why” to look for possible causes and to bypass superficial judgments helps to create receptivity, tolerance, and wisdom. Never ask “why?” out loud though! A lot of people will interpret it as an objection. Use “What do you mean?” instead, or “Could you explain or tell me more about that? (How so?)”
This is so simple as:
Did this already happen in the past?
Past, Symbols